WALKER GLOBAL INDUSTRIES, LLC (hereinafter referred to as โ€œService Provider / WGIโ€), a company incorporated under the laws of Texas (United States) and having its registered office address at 2177 Buckingham Road # 303 Richardson, TX 75081 (Company Registration date: Texas SOS Registration Date: 05/26/2020 and Texas Taxpayer Number: 32074390876) (which expression shall, unless it be repugnant to the context or meaning thereof, be deemed to mean and include its successors, Affiliates and permitted assigns)

Dissemination of information by finding corrupt data or placement aligned files and researching or examining contacts details because of placement uncertainty and avoidance caused by uncorrected issues delaying obligation to clients.

Client that want to bridge the gap using WGI LAZARUS PROJECT catalog to enhance recovery method that WGI has catalogued. Our fee is 40% of client past due obligations uncovered by WGI due in 14 days after recovery information received BY DOCUSIGN or JSIGN. All commerce moves by contract.

Needed authorized or fiduciary representative for business transactions involving security interest or benefit past due assisted by WGI catalogued data information details to enhance client recovery method.

Contractual obligation attributable to asymmetry information submitted to client by WGI. Our fees range from 10 percent, but not more than 40 percent of the proceeds or security interest amount past due to clients.

According to the EBA CP, distressed restructuring should be considered as an indication of unlikeliness to pay, where concessions extended to obligors with financial difficulties result in a diminished financial obligation calculated in accordance with an NPV formula. With WGI research finding we found obligors take financial advantage using financial equations to increase incremental solutions to benefit monetary at client interest.

WGI research staff catalogued of LAZARUS PROJECT helps clients make the playing field level for recovery of security interest.

Security interest: The term “security interest” means any interest in property acquired by contract for the purpose of securing payment or performance of an obligation or indemnifying against loss or liability.